
Monday, 3 June 2013

More attempts at 3D drawing

So, last night we had a couple of visitors to our little bungalow! The first one was a cat which hurled itself at our window in pursuit of a huge bug which it then proceeded to chew up on the veranda! The second was a scrawny little dog with no fur who made some pitiful noises outside our door and ran away when we turned the light on. He's around during the day too, we feel very sorry for the poor little guy!

Today we rented a moped and went on a little outing...

Out and about on a moped.
I had a go at riding it too! Driving it was fine, avoiding all the potholes was more difficult!

motorbike hire batu karas
Nice helmet
This is where we got stuck in the sand, ideal photo opportunity!

Batu Karas
Helmet heads
We had no idea there was such beautiful scenery just 10 minutes ride from where we're staying.

Rice paddies, Batu Karas
This bamboo bridge is the only access to Cijulan, the nearest town which has shops and banks. Sam was afraid we'd end up in the river if we both went over on the bike together, so I had to walk.

bamboo bridge batu karas
Bamboo bridge, Batu Karas
This afternoon I decided to have another bash at 3D drawing. Then I got a bit carried away and drew a couple more!

This first one isn't a 3D drawing, but it gave me the idea to use a marble as my subject.

pencil sketch
Marble pencil drawing
And here's my 3D drawing, You can see that the sketchbook is at an angle but the marble still appears round. There's a real marble there too for comparison.

tromp l'oeil

Here's a close up, you can't really see it's 3D here because the photo is taken at an angle. In fact, the drawing is an oval. There's the real marble again too.

tromp l'oeil

This is what it actually looks like on the page. The other drawing was inspired by the pinterest photo I put in yesterday's post, scroll down to see how it looks in 3D.

tromp l'oeil

Seen from the side it looks like a hole in the paper, I was rather pleased with this one! (Ignore the marble, it doesn't look great from this angle!)

3D drawing

I also finished the cup drawing I started. You may notice that the page is a bit dirty, that would be coffee from the spoon I used as a prop in the photos. Told you I got a little carried away! It looks elongated here, but viewed from the end it looks 3D.

I took a series of photos to 'test' the 3Dness, some are better than others!

I updated my travel diary too, here's a little peak.

I'll leave it there for tonight, that was a lot of photos to upload!

I've been partying at the following linky parties: Raising Reagan, Six Sisters' Stuff, Heatherly Loves, Craft-O-Maniac and Sumo's Sweet Stuff.


  1. Your little doggie friend probably puts on this act for everyone who stays in the bungalow :) Love the drawings. The marble looks beautifully drawn but very difficult to see the 3d effect in the photos. The hole and the mug shots are very realistic though - I love the way you used the props :) Hope you've taken some photos inside your little bungalow

  2. That is awesome. I'm going to show this to my littlest guy - he loves to draw and is ready for dimension:)
