
Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Sketchnotes, watercolour paintings, bookbinding, realism, ATCs and more!

You may have noticed I've been a bit quiet on the blogging front for the past week. Well, it's because I've been busy drawing, painting and making! So this post is going to be a big visual picnic of everything I've been up to! Linking up to What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday (WOYWW)!

Recently on Pinterest I stumbled upon the concept of 'sketchnoting' which is a visual way of recording ideas and notes to make them easier to remember and share with others. I really wanted to have a go, so as I happened to be in a patch of little artistic inspiration I thought I'd make this my subject! I think the result is a little hard to follow and my technique could definitely be polished, but overall I'm fairly pleased with the result. Let me know what you think!

I did a diary entry in a similar style as it was late in the evening and I just wanted to get something down on paper to feel like I'd achieved something creative that day!

sketchnot diary
Sketchnote diary
This next sketch is about A6 size, painted from Teignmouth backbeach looking over towards Shaldon. The boys were fishing and I sat and painted. It was sunny at first but then it started getting a little cloudy and chilly!

watercolor painting
Shaldon Beach
I went painting again with my Dad last weekend in Cockington, Torquay. There are some beautiful old buildings and it was a lovely sunny (if a little windy) day! I didn't manage to finish this painting (and probably never will!) but it was fun doing it!

 This was just a quick sketch in pen and ink before we went back home.

pen and ink drawing

I found some great pins on Pinterest which inspired me to have a go at bookbinding. I discovered it's a very satisfying craft! I covered this little book with blue cotton embroidered with an owl that I designed. The little owl on the end of the bookmark ribbon is crocheted with a teeny weeny hook! The cover is a bit crinkled because of the thread behind, next time I'll sort that out!

My first bookbinding attempt
This realistic drawing of a cat's eye was inspired by another Pinterest trawl! I am really awe-inspired by artists who can paint and draw pictures which could be mistaken for photos. The trouble I have is that after I've finished the interesting bits, in this case the eye, I get bored and want to move onto the next project! This will probably remain unfinished!


And another quick seaside design for good measure!

watercolour lighthouse
Lighthouse watercolour
I'm planning on doing a range of little ATCs to sell on Etsy. This is the first one I've done, let me know your thoughts! If anyone has any favourite quotes that they think I should design a painting around, I'd love your suggestions!

as the ocean is never full of water, so is the heart never full of love.
As the ocean is never full of water, so is the heart never full of love
I'm sharing this post at the following parties! Manon Popjes Illustrations, Domesblissity and Paint Party Friday.

PS. Please follow my blog if you like what you see!


  1. I like it all! No need to add to the 'eye' it looks perfect as it is :)

  2. Very great sketches, especially houses are very well drawn. And an eye, its is interesting :-)
    Happy WOYWW, Uuna #58

  3. Brilliant as ever Clare and i love the eye. I know the feeling of no time plenty of ideas and time on my hands and no ideas, sooo frustrating. Looking forward to the next one xxx, love Liz xxx

  4. Oh my, I love love love that inspiration crisis sketch. So recognizable! I'd love to share it on my blog tomorrow if you don't mind. Of course I'll link back to your blog. Just let me know if it's okay with you :-) I think your ATC's are a really good idea, it looks so lovely. Off to Pinterest now to check up on sketchnoting ... ;-)

  5. I love the inspiration crisis sketch too very much, it really made me smile! What a wonderful way to record your daily tasks in a journal in the way that you have shown above. I must give that a go, I record so little these days. ManonX

  6. Well, as busy as you are, you seem to be prolific on your craft! I like the diary entry, a great way to record the day. The crisis sketch reminds me of a flow chart from school days. Pinterest is a funny tool for me, it inspires me to do stuff that doesn't involve my 'real' craft. And then I have even less time!

  7. You have absolutely got to finish that cat's eye painting-it's incredible and it would be such a shame if you didn't finish it.

  8. So much to comment on, I love your post. The sketch notes are pretty cool and I think we can all relate to them. The cats eye is incredible, you did an awesome job with it. Your watercolor paintings are very nice. I loved the old house even if it isn't finished.
