
Saturday, 30 November 2013

Beautiful walk at Westward Ho!

On Thursday we moved house (thanks to Mum and Dad for all their help)! Today was the first day that we've had a chance to relax and enjoy our new home.

Having moved from a fully furnished house to a completely empty one we've spent the last three days rounding up a whole host of furniture and appliances. We're still lacking a fridge freezer though, (arguably the most important thing!) which means our food is currently cooling outside the back door. Good job it's winter!

There are distinct disadvantages to our doorstep larder, however. Some cheeky little critter decided that a big block of cheddar cheese would make a lovely midnight feast. We went outside this morning to find only half of it remaining!

We woke up to glorious sunshine so we took the opportunity to go for a walk at Westward Ho!.

If you, like me, are intrigued as to why Westward Ho! has an exclamation mark, I looked it up and apparently the village was named after the bestselling novel by Charles Kingsley as a sort of publicity stunt (thank you Wikipedia!).

Here are a few of my snaps from today.

sand dunes Westward Ho!

Westward Ho! beach

Northam Burrows, Westward Ho!

Northam Burrows, Westward Ho!

Northam Burrows, Westward Ho!

Westward Ho! beach

Westward Ho! Beach

reflections in a puddle

ripples in the sand

pebbles and sand ripples

pebbles at Westward Ho!

estuary at Westward Ho!

And just to prove we were actually there....
photos from Westward Ho!
This afternoon I made a heart to match the vintage style shabby chic chairs I renovated a while ago. The edge is crocheted in white cotton thread.

shabby chic heart decoration

shabby chic heart ornament

I'm sharing this post at the following link parties: Be Different Act Normal, Sunny Simple Life, Tatertots and Jello, Thirty Handmade Days and Shabby Nest.


  1. Ahh, Westward Ho! I can remember family holidays there when I was little (46 years ago!). Still loks beautiful :D

  2. Love the Westward Ho! pictures. Look forward to a walk there the next time we come up. Your heart is perfect for your chairs too :)

  3. How wonderful - shame about the cheese !!! Bet the critter enjoyed it though :-) Congrats on moving into your new home and thank you for showing us the gorgeous pictures :-D
    Fantastic little heart Claire :-D

    IKE xxxxxxxx
