
Sunday, 16 February 2014

The finished papercut heart

It's been a beautiful day here in Devon, the sun's been shining and we've been out for a lovely meal at the Clavelshay Barn near Taunton. If you're ever in the area, you really must visit; it's in a pretty spot by the river and the food is delicious!

Last week I finished a papercut heart for my Auntie. Here's how it started life...

papercut heart design

 ...and here it is finished, many hours later!

papercut heart design

I'm not sure what colour my Auntie will choose for the background, but I've shown it here on red for Valentine's day.

My Auntie requested that it feature lady birds, hearts, butterflies and the word love; can you spot them all?

Here are a few close ups to help.

papercut heart design The heart is in the middle of an A4 piece of thin card. It's almost as high as the card is wide.

I've now got another commission for a wedding present which I'm really excited about! It'll feature the bride and groom's names, their wedding date and a couple of little things representing their hobbies hidden in amongst the flowers.

I'll leave you with these photos of Westward Ho! taken yesterday and this evening. I love the vibrant green of the grassy tussocks against the sky.

estuary at westward ho

puddle in the carpark at westward ho

If you've enjoyed this post and would like to keep up with my work, please 'like' my Facebook page and follow me on Twitter @ClareWillcocks. You can also subscribe to my blog using one of the buttons on the right :)

Today I'm sharing this post on the following blogs: Handmade Harbour, Manonpopje's Illustrations, Be Different Act Normal and Tatertots and Jello.


  1. Your gorgeous heart almost leaves me speechless - its breathtakingly amazing. Thanks for sharing with us how you make them.

  2. This is an amazing work. I won't never have the patience to do paper cut! :)

  3. Wow the amount of detail in this is incredible and I imagine that one slip of the knife could so easily ruin such a delicate piece this is really stunning and I think it's a brilliant idea as a wedding gift. You'll be inundated with requests for more once they see the finished piece.

  4. Oh my goodness this is so wonderful. I wished someone who make this for me. Happy Paper Saturdays. ManonX

  5. I totally love it Clare, thank you so much, cannot wait to get it framed and on the wall x

  6. That is absolutely amazing! I am totally of awe.

  7. Your heart is just amazing. I just can't imagine how you do that.

  8. That's incredible - so much detail! & really interesting to see how it starts out too :)

  9. Beautiful. The detail is amazing.
    Ali xx

  10. The heart you made is beautiful. No words can describe how lovely and intricate the design is. Do you use a special type of paper? The landscape pictures are lovely, too!

    1. I didn't use special paper but the card is quite hard to cut so I should probably look into what's best to use!

  11. Absolutely wonderful Clare !! xoxoxoxox

  12. I saw this heart in 'real life' and it is truly amazing :)

  13. This is beautiful. It's also subtle which I like. Especially the 'love' word. It's just there without shouting. Found the butterfly and ladybird quite easily. The heart took a little longer ...

    1. Good job for finding them, I did my best to hide them well :)

  14. Beautiful Clare !!!
    Looking forward to getting one of your creations in the post soon ! (lucky ole me !!) x

  15. Wow! Just popping over from Handmade Monday to say hi. This heart is incredible - you must have so much patience!

  16. So beautiful! I like to cut paper, but your work surpasses my skill and patience by many miles! You make me want to cut some paper though :-)
    The turfs look so inviting to me!
    I'm visiting from Manon's paper saturday and might come back to you for more inspiration.
