
Thursday, 6 June 2013

It rains in paradise too!

I have a bumper post for you today! It's been raining all day so I've had lots of time for drawing!

I finished my little sketchbook yesterday and I was so excited about starting a new one (sad I know)! But imagine my disappointment when I started drawing my comic book diary on the first fresh page of the new one, only to discover that the paper is terrible quality and sucks up my pen like a sponge! I haven't got another one at the moment, so this'll have to do!

Here's yesterday's comic strip diary entry.

surfing in batu karas
The mystery of the phantom volcano
We're still not sure where the volcano came from and it wasn't there today (or at least it wasn't visible today)!

Here's today's comic strip diary entry.

surfing in batu karas
It rains in paradise too
I managed to take some photos of the little lizard on the tree yesterday. Unlike other lizards we've seen, this one didn't seem particularly bothered by me being so close!

Batu karas

Here it is from another angle when it ran around the other side of the tree!

batu karas

I started a drawing a couple of days ago while sitting on the beach and decided it needed a bit of water added to create shadows by making the ink run. Here's the finished painting. I was a little scared of adding any water or ink to the sea in case it made it into a splodgy black mess, so it still looks a bit bare.

batu karas beach
Batu Karas beach
I have yet to enter any drawings for Illustration Fridays, but I decided that today is the day. The inspiration word this week is 'sweet'. Having already done a drawing of sweets for Creative Tuesdays I wanted to try something a bit different. So I interpreted 'sweet' as 'cute' and drew this little dude that we saw in Borneo.

This was my reference photo. 

I thought it was about time that I include a picture of Sam surfing, as he has been doing it A LOT! So here it is, taken my his own personal photographer!

Surfing batu karas

This next photo is of a potential new banner for the top of my blog. I wanted something hand drawn but haven't had any particularly inspiring thoughts! Sam thinks this looks a little 'busy', I'm not sure either, what do you think?

From one end...

...and from the other end.

This morning, while it was raining, I got chance to finish this drawing I started. To be honest I got a bit bored, so it still looks a little unfinished!

couple pencil drawing

couple pencil drawing

couple pencil drawing

Then I moved on to some ink drawings! I wanted to check that my rubbish sketchpad would take water well, so I quickly sketched our camera to test it out.

camera line drawing
Line drawing
It seems to have turned out ok.

camera painting
Ink with water painted on.
 So then I went ahead and drew this pagoda which I've been wanting to draw since we saw it in Sibu, Borneo. Just to be safe though, I didn't add any water!

Drawing in progress...
 I think it still needs a little something though!

The 'finished' drawing.
I'll finish this mammoth post here with a photo of a dog on the beach!

Thanks for popping by, if you enjoyed your visit, why not follow my blog using one of the follow buttons on the right-hand-side. :)

I've been partying at the following link-up parties... Hickory Trail, Cornerstone Confessions and Sugar Bee Crafts.


  1. Phew! That was a bumper edition :) Love the beach picture with pen wash Clare.

  2. just checked out your blog - it's so good Claire - I had no idea you could draw! The pics are all fab :)

    Looks like you guys are having a great time out there - how long are you out there for..?


    1. Thanks Clare! We're flying home next Thursday, really looking forward to it after such a long time! X
